Religiöse Minderheiten
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Religiöse Minderheiten in Texten iranischer Autoren
- بازگشت به قرآن از مهدی بازرگان [PDF]
- Bazargan deutsche Übersetzung [PDF]
- پاسخ به پرسشها از آیت الله منتظری، سؤال نخست راجع به بهائی [HREF]
- حقوف بشر و تفاهم ادیان از محمد شبستری [PDF]
Literatur zu Mehdi Bazargan
- Dabashi, Hamid: Theology of Discontent. The Ideological Foundation of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, New York 1993, 324-366. [PDF]
- Chehabi, Houchang: Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism. The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini, London 1990.
- Jahanbakhsh, Forough: Islam, Democracy and Religious Modernism in Iran (1953-2000). From Bazargan to Soroush, Leiden 2001, 80-112. [PDF]
- Barzin, Saeed: "Constitutionalism and Democracy in the Religious Thought of Mehdi Bazargan", in: British Journal Middle Eastern Studies 21 (1994), 85-101. [PDF]
Literatur zu Mohammad Shabestari
- Vahdat, Farzin: "Post-revolutionary Discourses of Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari and Mohsen Kadivar: Reconciling the Terms of Mediated Subjectivity. Part I: Mojtahed Shabestari", in: Critique: Journal for Critical Studies of the Middle East, 16 (2000), 31-54.
- ders.: "Post-revolutionary Islamic modernity in Iran: the inter-subjective hermeneutics of Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari", in: Taji-Farouki, Suha (ed.): Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur'an, London 2006, 193-224
Literatur zu Hosein Ali Montazeri
- Amirpur, Katajun: "Wider die «absolute Führungsbefugnis des Rechtsgelehrten» (velayat-e motlaq-e faqih): Zur Rolle und Kritik des Hosein Ali Montazeri", in: Asiatische Studien 64 (2010) 3, 475-515. [PDF]
- Bazargan als iranischer Premierminister [PDF]
- Video Ernennung Bazargans zum Premier [HREF]
Also see: Farsi Learning Materials, Arabisch-Seminar al-Jazeera WS 06/07